Hunor Karamán (b. 1999). Living in Vienna. ____ is compost is humus. A single material that is the past that is the future. From where beauty arises and where it returns to. Every branch of a tree is a tree. And what a single leaf carries in itself: already an entire forest. Writings appear in Hungarian literary magazines and on their own. Tabula Rasa (Új Forrás, 2024), Csodaszarvas (Új Forrás, 2024), Nils (PRAE, 2024), Fény (3) (Helikon, 2024), 4:33 (Helikon, 2023), A felhők alatt a Kánaán (Új Forrás, 2023), Fény (1) (Helikon, 2023), Erózió (Helikon, 2022), Mező (Helikon, 2022), Vessels of Knowledge (performance, 2022), Inside Dream Machines (2022), FELT DOOM, MIGHT DELETE LATER (monument, 2022).